Virtual trips through the Internet seem to be so easy and secure especially when you're very busy and have to use WiFi on a regular basis.
But when you start thinking about WiFi security, you can, probably, understand that these trips are too dangerous. And what to do?
You should remember that the Internet on your PC or a laptop is just a drop in the ocean. But every ocean has some rules that you must follow up if you want to stay alive.
Use Password for WiFi Security

One of the main rules you should remember is that every time when you use WiFi you should use a password for your WiFi security.
Your PC is at a great risk while you're using a WiFi access point which is not protected with a password. All your emails, icq messages and banking passwords can be easily stolen.
it is well known that it is much easier to prevent the problem than to resolve it later.
When you're connected to the Internet, (even for a few seconds to check your email account), your PC is a little part of a huge World Wide Web fulled with friends and enemies. You can secure your PC from a danger by the most effective way if you know whom or what you should be afraid of.
Please, take a note in your mind about your password for WiFi Security
Money and documents are hold in a safe that no one can use them except of owner. Your password is a safe key. If someone knows your password, he can open your safe and access its contents.
The Internet is very popular nowadays but you have to pay for these services that's why there are a lot of people wishing to surf the Internet for FREE.
REMEMBER! A safe is open not for safe owner but for a person who owns a key.
Your WiFi router really don't care who access it: weather it is you or somebody else. Feel the importance of your password. Remember the comparison with a safe key.
Unfortunately, many people still don't take it too seriously. They are sure that a "PASSWORD" and their style of a daily life are not connected with each other at all.
"I have nothing to hide on my laptop" - they think. "A password is one more thing I don't need to keep in my mind because I should remember a lot of more important information".
If you think like these people, harry up to change your opinion. It can cost you a big money in future.
I'm sure that people who really think about WiFi Security are already using passwords and other means of protection.
Post is devoted for those who is still thinking and trying to make a decision. Hey, it's a high time :-)

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But when you start thinking about WiFi security, you can, probably, understand that these trips are too dangerous. And what to do?
You should remember that the Internet on your PC or a laptop is just a drop in the ocean. But every ocean has some rules that you must follow up if you want to stay alive.
Use Password for WiFi Security

One of the main rules you should remember is that every time when you use WiFi you should use a password for your WiFi security.
Your PC is at a great risk while you're using a WiFi access point which is not protected with a password. All your emails, icq messages and banking passwords can be easily stolen.
it is well known that it is much easier to prevent the problem than to resolve it later.
When you're connected to the Internet, (even for a few seconds to check your email account), your PC is a little part of a huge World Wide Web fulled with friends and enemies. You can secure your PC from a danger by the most effective way if you know whom or what you should be afraid of.
Please, take a note in your mind about your password for WiFi Security
Money and documents are hold in a safe that no one can use them except of owner. Your password is a safe key. If someone knows your password, he can open your safe and access its contents.
The Internet is very popular nowadays but you have to pay for these services that's why there are a lot of people wishing to surf the Internet for FREE.
REMEMBER! A safe is open not for safe owner but for a person who owns a key.
Your WiFi router really don't care who access it: weather it is you or somebody else. Feel the importance of your password. Remember the comparison with a safe key.
Unfortunately, many people still don't take it too seriously. They are sure that a "PASSWORD" and their style of a daily life are not connected with each other at all.
"I have nothing to hide on my laptop" - they think. "A password is one more thing I don't need to keep in my mind because I should remember a lot of more important information".
If you think like these people, harry up to change your opinion. It can cost you a big money in future.
I'm sure that people who really think about WiFi Security are already using passwords and other means of protection.
Post is devoted for those who is still thinking and trying to make a decision. Hey, it's a high time :-)

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