Canadian legal organization knew that nearly 20 countries of the world including Russia and China use the technology developed in the USA for Internet censoring and tracing users’ activity, reports New York Times.

The Study Group Citizen Lab which headquarters are situates in the Toronto University could trace features that are typical for Blue Coat Systems ( American Web security provider) with the help of data gathering servers.
Citizen Lab found out that this technology is used by the governments of India, China, South Korea, Iraq, Singapore and several more countries.
Authors of the investigation announces that with the its help they want to attract public attention to the problem of Internet censorship that is becoming more deep. It needs to be noticed that the US State Department allows selling this programme abroad, except several countries including Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran and Syria.
In 2011 it became known that hardware and soft ware Blue Coat Systems is used by Syrian government for tracing the regime’ opponent. The company denies any involvement in their technology selling to Syria. But the compone couldn't comment a new information published by Citizen Lab.
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The Study Group Citizen Lab which headquarters are situates in the Toronto University could trace features that are typical for Blue Coat Systems ( American Web security provider) with the help of data gathering servers.
Citizen Lab found out that this technology is used by the governments of India, China, South Korea, Iraq, Singapore and several more countries.
Authors of the investigation announces that with the its help they want to attract public attention to the problem of Internet censorship that is becoming more deep. It needs to be noticed that the US State Department allows selling this programme abroad, except several countries including Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran and Syria.
In 2011 it became known that hardware and soft ware Blue Coat Systems is used by Syrian government for tracing the regime’ opponent. The company denies any involvement in their technology selling to Syria. But the compone couldn't comment a new information published by Citizen Lab.
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