In the end of July the amendments to a “law about the Information”, which the Internet department consider as an attempt to introduce censor in Russian Internet came into a force. Within several months such popular sites as Lurkmore, Rutracker and Google were included in the black list and then temporary closed due to a spreading of an illegal content. The law should be improved because some innocent sites without any prohibited information was punished.

In June it became known about the amendments to the “about the information, informational technologies and information security” law. This information includes: child pornography, drug’s propaganda and the information stimulated childes to a suicide or injure. The League for Secure Internet that is headed by Konstantin Malafeev (a founder of the Marshall Capital told that the main aim is to create a register as a method to fight with an illegal content.
Of course nobody was doubt about the good aims of this law, but the question is about the offered blocking mechanism. The scheme is: As soon as a site, according to a point of view of the Ministry of Internal affairs, Federal Drug Control service and The Russian Federal Surveillance Service for Mass Media and Communications (Roscomnadzor) decide that this site should be included in the black list the provider is obliges to block the access to this site within a one day.
The problem is that blocking in by the domain names and IP addresses can cause closing of such resources which do not contain any prohibited information. Such huge Internet companies and rights's protectors came out with a sharp critic according to this law, which in their opinion will lead to the Internet censorship.
It is impossible to avoid a situation when the right of the innocent owners of the Internet resources, who's sites were blocked are outraged in practise, said experts of the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC). So as a result such sites as unofficial encyclopedia Lurkmore, a file share Rutracker, Google services were blocked. According to data of the ROSCOMNADZOR the blacklist includes more than 3000 sites which do not contain any prohibited information and this number is equalled to 97 % of all the resources in the register.
Also the blacklist creation contradicts with a stated in the law “search, getting, sending, development and spreading of the information by all legal ways” principle states RAEC.
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