The Internet irritates Russian powers for so long and very seriously. But generally, the Internet it is a space of freedom and undercontroling.

The WWW was accused of some many things: in organization of “colored revolutions” and coup d'état in Arab countries. Internet was called as “ the main basis of Russian opposition”. The desire to regulate the Internet comes to the executive and the legislative powers minds 25 hours a day. There even were some International initiatives from Russia towards this question. Anyway this actions are focused on restrictions of freedom of thoughts and Net information. And this is the first failure. Russia, along with a group of rather representative countries defeated in offering Internet initiatives in Dubai.
On December 3-14 in Dubai there was the ITU conference. It was expected that resulting document will include statements connected with the Internet. In particular, the representatives of Russia, China, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Alger, Bahrain offered to allow for countries-members of the Union to run Internet domains and addresses on their territory. But this offer faced with a strong opposition of such countries as Australia, the USA, Canada and several members of the EU. So, because of it, the offer was not included in the resulting document. According to “Vedomosti”, the offer to give sovereign Internet regulating rights caused a kickback among the trade members. Google accused several countries off the desire to “capture
the Internet control” that will lead to censorship.
Another Russian failure is not so serious, but anyway... The next legislative initiative, saturated with hypocrisy and populism concerning the prohibition of alcohol advertising also suffered a defeat without any international discussions.
According to the information from, alcohol producers found a way to avoid this prohibition of alcohol advertisements in the Internet, that will come into force on January 1, 2013. They will continue to place information about their products on pages of such popular social services as LiveJournal and Facebook.
Many people are sure that the prohibition on advertising of high quality alcohol and tobacco in Media is rather unreasonable, unhumanistic and unconstitutional thing. Such a ban limits consumers right on getting information about the quality of products.
So, Russia failed twice. And this is quite logical. This totally satisfy the law of the priority of the International law over municipal one.
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The WWW was accused of some many things: in organization of “colored revolutions” and coup d'état in Arab countries. Internet was called as “ the main basis of Russian opposition”. The desire to regulate the Internet comes to the executive and the legislative powers minds 25 hours a day. There even were some International initiatives from Russia towards this question. Anyway this actions are focused on restrictions of freedom of thoughts and Net information. And this is the first failure. Russia, along with a group of rather representative countries defeated in offering Internet initiatives in Dubai.
On December 3-14 in Dubai there was the ITU conference. It was expected that resulting document will include statements connected with the Internet. In particular, the representatives of Russia, China, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Alger, Bahrain offered to allow for countries-members of the Union to run Internet domains and addresses on their territory. But this offer faced with a strong opposition of such countries as Australia, the USA, Canada and several members of the EU. So, because of it, the offer was not included in the resulting document. According to “Vedomosti”, the offer to give sovereign Internet regulating rights caused a kickback among the trade members. Google accused several countries off the desire to “capture
the Internet control” that will lead to censorship.
Another Russian failure is not so serious, but anyway... The next legislative initiative, saturated with hypocrisy and populism concerning the prohibition of alcohol advertising also suffered a defeat without any international discussions.
According to the information from, alcohol producers found a way to avoid this prohibition of alcohol advertisements in the Internet, that will come into force on January 1, 2013. They will continue to place information about their products on pages of such popular social services as LiveJournal and Facebook.
Many people are sure that the prohibition on advertising of high quality alcohol and tobacco in Media is rather unreasonable, unhumanistic and unconstitutional thing. Such a ban limits consumers right on getting information about the quality of products.
So, Russia failed twice. And this is quite logical. This totally satisfy the law of the priority of the International law over municipal one.
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