Ilya Varlamov is one of the most popular Russian blogger. Today his blog counts about 2 mln readers a month. By his photos, for example about the violence towards the opposition, he shows and tells about what unparliamentary controlled Media is passing over in silence.
Internet is the main Media for Putin opponents. But the period when the Kremlin underestimated the Internet force have already gone.

Ilya Varlamov, Russian blogger: Now due to the latest events I think that the Internet have caused some danger and that is why it became regulated. But they did not consider that nobody can regulate the Internet yet, except China.
From the beginning of November rules changed. Now authorities can block the Internet account without a court decision if there are any suspicious in child pornography, drug promotion or suicide. Are this suspicious objective? This is decided by authorities again.
Every Russian Internet user can add his proposals to the ‘black list” of unwanted sites.
Sergey Jeleznyak the chairmen of the Russian State Duma said: Censored is prohibited by the Russian Constitution. The only thing we can do is to stop the spread of the illegal information.
There are a lot of questionable cases. For example, Internet providers had to block the access to the on-line encyclopedia because of the article about marijuana.
Russian representatives of Google company were trying to dissuade Russian government from the Internet control, but without a success.
Such bloggers as Ilya Varlamov and the opposition supporters are afraid that it will be even worse. Now it is planned to search for some extremism on the sites.
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Internet is the main Media for Putin opponents. But the period when the Kremlin underestimated the Internet force have already gone.

Ilya Varlamov, Russian blogger: Now due to the latest events I think that the Internet have caused some danger and that is why it became regulated. But they did not consider that nobody can regulate the Internet yet, except China.
From the beginning of November rules changed. Now authorities can block the Internet account without a court decision if there are any suspicious in child pornography, drug promotion or suicide. Are this suspicious objective? This is decided by authorities again.
Every Russian Internet user can add his proposals to the ‘black list” of unwanted sites.
Sergey Jeleznyak the chairmen of the Russian State Duma said: Censored is prohibited by the Russian Constitution. The only thing we can do is to stop the spread of the illegal information.
There are a lot of questionable cases. For example, Internet providers had to block the access to the on-line encyclopedia because of the article about marijuana.
Russian representatives of Google company were trying to dissuade Russian government from the Internet control, but without a success.
Such bloggers as Ilya Varlamov and the opposition supporters are afraid that it will be even worse. Now it is planned to search for some extremism on the sites.
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