Changes are agreed with the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) and the Internet operators, and are aimed at reducing deficits.

Moscow, December 17 - “RIA NOVOSTY”. Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC) send an offer to change the government statement № 1101 about the functioning of the order of the “blacklist” of sites , as it is said in the RAEC report. The offered changes are agreed with the Roscomnadzor and the Internet operators and are aimed at reducing deficits.
“We hope that procedures are sufficiently studied and efficient, and that offers will be realized as an amendment to the Statement № 1101” - said RAEC.
The RAEC representatives offer to make possible sending notifications about the ‘blacklist” functioning right to the sites owners, who gave their contacts to the ROSCOMNADZOR.
The law concerning “ the protection of the child from information and material injurious to his or her health and development” is expecting the creation of automatized informational system that includes a register of URLs, domain names, and IP addresses of websites and web-pages containing any information which had been prohibited for distribution in Russia by court decision”. It was launched on November 1, 2012.
It concerns firstly child pornography, suicide and drug making instructions. In such cases it is allowed to block sites without a court decision.
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Moscow, December 17 - “RIA NOVOSTY”. Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC) send an offer to change the government statement № 1101 about the functioning of the order of the “blacklist” of sites , as it is said in the RAEC report. The offered changes are agreed with the Roscomnadzor and the Internet operators and are aimed at reducing deficits.
“We hope that procedures are sufficiently studied and efficient, and that offers will be realized as an amendment to the Statement № 1101” - said RAEC.
The RAEC representatives offer to make possible sending notifications about the ‘blacklist” functioning right to the sites owners, who gave their contacts to the ROSCOMNADZOR.
The law concerning “ the protection of the child from information and material injurious to his or her health and development” is expecting the creation of automatized informational system that includes a register of URLs, domain names, and IP addresses of websites and web-pages containing any information which had been prohibited for distribution in Russia by court decision”. It was launched on November 1, 2012.
It concerns firstly child pornography, suicide and drug making instructions. In such cases it is allowed to block sites without a court decision.
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