Wi-Fi technologies and Wi-Fi Security are rather meaningful nowadays. Their importance rises because of frequent usage internet technologies both at home, office and in hot spots. The global village widens its borders now; the security becomes more and more concerned. Many users do not even bother about the internet security while using they it computers or laptops everywhere they need. It’s in vain. While installing Wi-Fi software one need to set up all possible settings and follow necessary measures before demonstrating these or that data to one of your friends or colleagues.
What should user know about the Wi-Fi measures while using in everyday life. Of course you are to follow the rules of Wi-Fi Security and to change passwords as often as possible. Most of the Wi-Fi base stations may provide default keys or may give the password which is already being using by several computers simultaneously. Of course it obviously makes your PC data rather vulnerable to hacker’s attacks. What’s more hackers are very developed nowadays. Recently one of the Facebook bloggers threatened of destroying this system one day.
How to avoid all the evident and up- to- date difficulties. The answer is rather simple - keep your password in the place accessible only to you, make it easy to remember to you. Only then you will feel that your network is sufficiently secure.
You are also to remember that every operating system has its own peculiarities and the manner of compounding the password may also differ. Much also depends on the type of the modem being used. Usually all WIFI modems have range SSID (Service Set Identifier).
Much depends on the traffic available, if an outsider identifies the name of network you are working in all measures of protection have been done in vain.
One more thing that can help you in organizing secure functioning is scrambling the passwords of the net. WEP may help in this. Disinterested hackers are not able to destroy private data but determined ones can break it.
Every computer has its own machine access code (MAC). You may configure your base station so that it would give the access only to your MAC addresses.
So now we know all the possible measures of creating secure Wi-Fi network.